*Updated: September 7, 2018*
* In May 2017, the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) inaugurated an [anti-Muslim bullying campaign](http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/education/sd-me-islam-unified-20170405-story.html) which they developed in conjunction with the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR is part of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist network and was named as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in a 2007 case brought against various Muslim charities that funneled money to Hamas by the U.S. Justice Department. The new campaign will include giving teachers and administrators new calendars showing Muslim holidays, creating “safe spaces” for Muslim students, and including lessons on Islam in the curriculum which emphasize prominent Muslims in history.
* Third grade students at the Beverly J. Martin elementary school in Ithaca, New York were made to sit through a [blatantly one-sided](https://www.algemeiner.com/2016/12/13/newly-released-footage-provides-evidence-of-anti-israel-indoctrination-at-new-york-state-elementary-school-event/) presentation featuring radical anti-Israel activists who told lies and disseminated Hamas propaganda about the Israeli state. The presentation on “Palestinian human rights” was led by radical Israel-bashers Bassem Tamimi who videos his own children attempting to provoke Israeli soldiers and Ariel Gold who holds “delegitimizing Zionism” as a personal goal. Full footage of the event was released only after the school district was compelled by a Freedom of Information Act request. This footage revealed that the presentation included an infamous video made by Tamini and featuring his daughter sharing a “message for the world from the Palestinian children.” This “message” states: “We don’t like [that] Israel kill us, kill Gaza, kill Palestinian and we don’t like they to kill us [sic]” and “They [Israel] can’t be terrorists. We don’t like them to be terrorists.” Once the full footage was released, the superintendent of the Ithaca City School district issued a Letter of Reprimand stating that the event was [“politically skewed [and] inflammatory.”](http://legalinsurrection.com/2016/11/revealed-student-suffering-from-nightmares-after-3rd-grade-anti-israel-event/)
* Thirteen states and the District of Columbia will now include [science lessons on climate change](http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/05/29/climate-change-indoctrination-13-states-adopt-common-core-science-lessons) as part of their Common Core curriculum. The lessons are based on the research of the National Research Council, an organization based in DC, which concluded in a 2011 report on “America’s Climate Choices” that “climate change is already occurring, is based largely on human activities, and is supported by multiple lines of scientific evidence.” This conclusion is presented as settled scientific fact, not a theory which is still in dispute.
* An eight year old boy attending Maxham Elementary School in Taunton, Massachusetts was [sent home](http://www4.campusreform.org/?ID=3513) from school and required to submit to a psychological evaluation in order to return because he drew a picture of Jesus Christ on the Cross. The student drew X’s over Jesus’s eyes to signify that he was deceased and this apparently disturbed his teacher and led to the conclusion that it was a violent drawing. The teacher had asked the students to draw something that reminded them of Christmas. The boy’s father concluded, “As far as I’m concerned, they’re violating his religion.”
* A teacher at Norman North High School in Oklahoma was [recorded by a student](https://pjmedia.com/parenting/2016/10/21/high-school-teacher-to-be-white-is-to-be-racist-period/?utm_source=akdart) stating in class that “To be white is racist, period.” The teacher who made the comment was white. “I feel like he was encouraging people to kind of pick on people for being white,” the student who made the recording told a local news station. Despite being part-Hispanic, she and her family took offense at the teacher’s comments and felt they were inappropriate. “Why is it ok to demonize one race to children that you’re supposed to be teaching a curriculum?” her father asked.
* In 2007, Carver Elementary School which is located in East San Diego made [special accommodations](http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2017/05/san_diego_ground_zero_for_islamic_indoctrination_in_american_public_schools.html) for 100 Somali Muslims who had transferred from a closed charter school. The school rearranged recess periods to allow time for Muslim afternoon prayer, added Arabic to its curriculum, and took pork and other non-halal foods off the lunch menu. When these changes resulted in anger from parents and others, the school removed the prayer break, but changed the lunchtime schedule so that prayertime was still accommodated.
* Students in a literature composition class at Aloha High School in Aloha, Oregon were given a [“White Privilege Survey”](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3819911/High-school-fire-white-privilege-survey-given-homework.html?utm_source=akdart) to complete as homework. The assignment included such questions as “I can go shopping alone most of the time, pretty well assured that I will not be followed or harassed” and “I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the newspaper and see people of my race widely and positively represented.” A school district spokeswoman attempted to excuse the exercise by stating that the class covers current issues including race and that the goal is for students to “gain empathy, understanding and to build bridges,” but the father of a student in the class disagreed, stating that “The way this survey is read, it almost wants to like, shame you for being white.”
* The Portland Public Schools board [passed a resolution](http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/05/22/portland-public-schools-ban-textbooks-that-cast-doubt-on-climate-change.html?utm_source=akdart) in 2016 to ban from the classroom any textbooks or other instructional materials that cast doubt on the theory that climate change is a significant problem and that humans are primarily responsible for it. Bill Bigelow, a former teacher in the Portland public schools who helped to present the resolution, stated “A lot of the text materials are kind of thick with the language of doubt, and obviously the science says otherwise.” He added, “We don’t want kids in Portland learning material courtesy of the fossil fuel industry.” The school board ignored a petition circulated by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine (OISM) stating that “there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.” The petition garnered approximately 32,000 signatures including those from 9,000 Ph.D.’s.
* Teach for America is partnering with the organization EdX to craft a six-week online course for middle school teachers called [“Teaching Social Justice through Secondary Mathematics.”](https://www.campusreform.org/?ID=9187) A course overview asks: “Do you ask students to think deeply about global and local social justice issues within your mathematics classroom?” and states “This education and teacher training course will help you blend secondary math instruction with topics such as inequity, poverty, and privilege to transform students into global thinkers and mathematicians.” Ideas for sample lessons include instruction on “Unpaid Work Hours in the Home by Gender” and “Race and Imprisonment Rates in the United States.” The curriculum also touts an article by a Hawaiian English teacher, Christina Torres, who claims that instruction lacking information about social justice is a “wasted opportunity” to guide students who could otherwise be given “tools to subvert power, question normalcy, and change society as we understand it.”
* Highlands Elementary School located in Edina, Minnesota—one of the state’s best elementary schools based on standardized tests—has instituted [several initiatives](http://www.intellectualtakeout.org/blog/elementary-students-being-indoctrinated-minnesotas-top-school-district) aimed at indoctrinating students in a left-wing perspective on racial inequality and social justice. Kindergarten classes spent weeks participating in the “Melanin project,” coloring images of their hands which were attached to a banner reading “Stop thinking your skin color is better than anyone elses!” First graders wrote poems about social justice and fourth and fifth graders will participate in a performance project that links the “Black Lives Matter” movement with peace.
* The Thomas More Law Center filed a civil rights suit against Charles County Public Schools on behalf of a former Marine and his wife who discovered that their daughter’s public high school was forcing students to perform classroom assignments [endorsing Islam](http://freebeacon.com/issues/public-school-system-sued-for-pushing-islamic-propaganda/). Students at La Plata High School in Maryland were ordered to copy the Islamic creed “Shahada” which states in part “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” Students were also made to memorize and recite the Five Pillars of Islam. Two weeks of class time were devoted to instruction in Islam while only one day was reserved for Christianity—which was portrayed in a negative light. For instane, one worksheet distributed at the school stated “Most Muslims’ faith is stronger than the average Christian.”
* Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools in North Carolina [assigned the book](http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/education/article139909173.html) “[Jacob’s New Dress](https://www.amazon.com/Jacobs-New-Dress-Sarah-Hoffman/dp/0807563730),” a story about a boy who prefers to dress like a girl, in all first grade classes as part of an anti-bullying program. Only after a teacher launched a complaint which sparked outrage among lawmakers was the decision reversed Instead, first graders will read “Red: A Crayon’s Story” about a red crayon who views itself as blue. The school board is now attempting to addsexual orientation and “gender identity/expression” to its diversity policy.
* In February 2017, teachers and staff serving in the Rochester City School District located in upstate New York received an email stating that February 17 would be designated [“Black Lives Matter at School: A Day of Understand and Affirmation.”](http://www.dailywire.com/news/13117/indoctrination-superintendent-enacts-highly-amanda-prestigiacomo) The email urged staff to purchase a “Black Lives Matter at School” t-shirt and were also sent links to radical leftist websites featuring propaganda stating that the phrase “all lives matter” is wrong. The email explained that educational goals for this special day will include “Understands inequities based on race,” “Affirms that the lives of people of color matter,” and “Believes that we all have a responsibility to work for equity.”The Black Lives Matter movement has been associated with anti-police riots and supporters have advocated for the murder of police officers and the lynching of whites.
* Chicago Public Schools sent home an [extreme partisan letter](http://www.theblaze.com/news/2017/02/07/chicago-public-schools-send-kids-home-with-political-propaganda-against-trump-gop/) bashing Illinois’ Republican Governor Bruce Rauner and President Trump. The letter stated, “Dear Families, Governor Bruce Rauner, just like President Trump, has decided to attack those who need the most help. Governor Rauner and President Trump regularly attack Chicago because they hope to score political points. It is shameful.” The letter went on to add that both Rauner and Trump “cheat your children of their fair share, they can score political points with their own supporters.”
* A high school art teacher in Seth, West Virginia, wore a profane [anti-Trump patch](http://www.redstate.com/sweetie15/2017/04/29/classroom-indoctrination-liberal-teacher-models-anti-trump-patch-front-students/) on the back of her jacket during school hours. The patch is a large piece of cloth, which covered nearly the full back of the teacher’s jacket, and reads “Tuck Frump” with the T and F highlighted in white. The obvious intent is for observers to mentally reverse those two letters, creating a profane and anti-Trump message. Images of the patch were shared on social media and quickly made their way through the school community.
* Brainerd High School, a public school in Minnesota, published a [2017 yearbook](http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/05/19/minnesota-yearbook-behead-trump.html) containing violent and derogatory quotes from students about President Donald Trump. One student quoted on the page stated, “I would like to behead him,” and “I do not like him.” Another student commented, “I feel like Donald is very racist and sexist and doesn’t care to give people a chance before knowing them.” Yet another stated, “I don’t like the way he comes off, he seems really rude.” After the controversy became public, the school district condemned the yearbook section, referring to “highly disrespectful statements from students about political figures.” But surely some authority figure at Brainerd gave the green light to publish the section in the first place.
* Cheryl Dyer, superintendent of Wall Township Public Schools in New Jersey, ordered a [school yearbook to be reissued](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2017/06/16/new-yearbook-trump-censorship/402656001/) after at least three photos of students wearing clothing with logos supporting Donald Trump were intentionally edited to erase those insignia. Grant Bernardo, a school junior, wore a “Make America Great Again” shirt in his school photo, but the image that appeared in the yearbook was digitally altered to show him in a black t-shirt instead. A photo of a student wearing a Trump logo on his sweater vest was also cropped to erase the logo. And a quote from Trump sent in by the freshman class president to appear on her page, also did not appear in the yearbook, although it was confirmed that it was received before the deadline. The yearbook advisor was suspended with pay while the school board considers what action to take.
* New [health and physical education standards](http://www.k12.wa.us/HealthFitness/Standards/HPE-Standards.pdf) created by the the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) which [endorse leftist views on gender identity and gender expression](http://www.fpiw.org/blog/2016/06/02/washington-schools-to-teach-gender-identity-curriculum-in-kindergarten/) will become part of the curriculum for students from kindergarten through high school in the 2017-2018 school year.
The Family Policy Institute of Washington [summarized](http://www.fpiw.org/blog/2016/06/02/washington-schools-to-teach-gender-identity-curriculum-in-kindergarten/) this new educational agenda as including:
* **Beginning in Kindergarten**, students will be taught about the many ways to express gender. Gender expression education will include information about the manifestations of traits that are typically associated with one gender. Crossdressing is one form of gender expression.
* **Third graders**will be introduced to the concept of gender identity. These children will be taught that they can choose their own gender.
* **Fourth graders**will be expected to “define sexual orientation,” which refers to whether a person identifies as heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual; they’ll also be taught about HIV prevention. Children in fourth grade will be told that they can choose their sexual orientation.
* **Fourth and fifth graders**will learn about the relativity of gender roles and why such roles are social constructs that are not inherent to who we are as male or female human beings.
* **Seventh graders**will be expected to “distinguish between biological sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.”
* **High school students**will critically “evaluate how culture, media, society, and other people influence our perceptions of gender roles, sexuality, relationships, and sexual orientation.”
Despite the highly controversial nature of these alterations to the curriculum, OSPI made no provision for informing parents about the changes.
* A teacher of sixth-grade English at Paulo Intermediate School in Staten Island, New York assigned students to complete a vocabulary assignment that forced them to insert words in sentences [disparaging President Donald Trump](http://www.truthrevolt.org/news/nyc-school-teacher-hands-out-anti-trump-assignment-6th-graders).
Among the phrases students were asked to complete:
** “8.) President Trump speaks in a very superior and _________ manner insulting many people. He needs to be more ________.**
**“9.) Barack Obama set a ________ when he became the first African American president.”**
The teacher was looking for students to insert the words “haughty” and “humble” in question 8 and “precedent” in question 9. When the father of an eleven-year-old in the class objected to the assignment and refused to have his child complete it, the teacher docked the student 15 points for an incomplete assignment. Only after the father took his complaint to a higher level was the teacher issued a letter of reprimand.
* Middle School students in the Maury County School District in Tennessee were [ordered to copy](http://www.christianpost.com/news/7th-grade-students-required-to-write-allah-is-the-only-god-in-tennessee-public-schools-144821/) the Five Pillars of Islam including the Islamic conversion creed, the Shahada, which states “Allah is the only god” during a unit on world history. While the curriculum will briefly cover Christianity during a unit on the Middle Ages, several weeks were spent on Islam and its doctrine compared to a much sparser curriculum on Christianity and Judaism. Commented one parent, “I do think that because they are not doing any other religion studies. I do think it is the state sponsoring religion in schools. They are not going over anything else. So for the students to have to memorize this prayer, it does seem like it is indoctrination.”
* In 2015, a Huntington Beach, California teacher taught a class of seventh graders a song to which she had crafted lyrics supporting [and romanticizing Islam](http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2015/11/20/schools-sing-praise-to-allah-create-propaganda-posters-for-isis.html). The song is set to the tune of Rachel Platten’s “This is my Fight Song.” The lyrics stated:
“Like a sandstorm/on the desert/sending camels/into motion,” the lyrics read. “Like how a single faith/can make a heart open/They might only have one God/But they can make an explosion.”
A parent brought the song and lesson to public attention after her son came home with a notebook showing a stick figure stating “Believe in Allah! There is no other god.”
* Freshmen at Salem Junior High School in Utah were told by a teacher to [make a propaganda poster](http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2015/11/20/schools-sing-praise-to-allah-create-propaganda-posters-for-isis.html) for a terrorist organization like ISIS. The project worksheet listed “eight reasons why young Muslims join ISIS” and instructed students to create a “terrorism propaganda poster.” After parents complained, the Nebo School District cancelled the project stating that it was not part of the official curriculum and the teacher just wanted to instruct the students in how propaganda can work.
* Sixth graders at Fox Chapel Middle School in Spring Hill, Florida were given a survey by their teacher that [included explicit questions on sexuality and race](http://www.theblaze.com/news/2017/04/10/a-friend-invites-you-to-go-to-a-gay-bar-sixth-graders-get-survey-from-teacher-and-outrage-erupts/). Students were supposed to read each statement and indicate how comfortable they were with the situation described.
__These statements included:__
“A friend invites you to go to a gay bar.”
“You go to the gay bar and a person of the same sex invites you to dance.”
“You discover that the cute young man/woman that you are attracted to is actually a woman/man.”
“You discover your teenage brother kissing a male friend.”
“Your two next door neighbors in your hall are lesbian/gay.”
“Your mother ‘comes out’ to you.”
The survey also included similar statements on race, religion and ethnicity. Some were derived from a book titled “Exploring White Privilege” by Robert Amico. According to a student in the class, when some of the children proposed bringing the survey home to ask their parents for help, the teacher ordered them not to show it to their parents.