America has a lot of foreign students. Those students, especially from the Muslim world, are driving much of the campus violence. George Mason University in particular seems to have its own terror network.
Two Students for Justice in Palestine leaders were caught with terror flags and weapons in their home.
They also found pro-terror materials, including Hamas and Hezbollah flags and signs that read “death to America” and “death to Jews,” according to court documents and sources familiar.
Now a foreign student was busted for plotting a terror attack against ‘Yahood’ or ‘Jews’ for ISIS.
Abdullah Ezzeldin Taha Mohamed Hassan, 18, an Egyptian national living in Falls Church, Virginia, a hub of the Islamic colonial presence in Virginia, and an area with multiple terror plots, was arrested.
On May 2, Hassan commented on a post about Osama bin Laden’s death by stating, “13 years since my idolo died[.]”
On April 8, Hassan argued with another X user stating, “Hamas are an armed resistance, what terroristic about them? Have you only hear of the conflict since Oct 7th? IDF have been committing war crimes for decades g, it’s only time Palestine fight back[.]”
On March 21, he made a post about martyrdom and the guarantees of paradise for martyrs. Hassan stated, “Because all of those martyrs have been guaranteed paradise, this life is a test and we can leave it at any time for the afterlife[.]”
All of that escalated into…
Hassan allegedly told the FBI informant the Big Apple would provide “a goldmine of targets” — those targets being Jewish people, whom he referred to in Arabic as “Yahud,” according to the FBI documents.
“Two options: lay havoc on them with an assault rifle or detonate a TATP [suicide] vest in the midst of them,” Hassan allegedly told the agent posing as a terrorist sympathizer on Nov. 27, prosecutors alleged in court documents obtained by the outlet.
Hassan allegedly sent the undercover agent an Islamic State propaganda video in mid-November calling for the death of Jewish people, the newspaper reported.
The agent then agreed to follow Hassan’s orders to commit a mass slaughter.
The usual defenses are already being trotted out. Hassan was a ‘minor’ during some of this. The FBI ‘set him up’ and somehow made him lay out extensive and enthusiastic plans for terrorist attacks.
The people who fall for this sort of thing are fools and useful idiots, but our media and establishment are full of those.
But there’s a reason this keeps happening.
Hassan urged source to livestream the attack on Tues. “On Dec. 17, Mr. Hassan logged onto the livestream and they both said: ‘See you in heaven in the afterlife,’“
We need to stop bringing terrorist populations to America. Otherwise, terrorism is what we’ll get.