Texas Teacher Assigns Anti-Trump Essay as Class Homework
Seventh grade assignment characterized the President as “racist” and questioned whether he should be impeached.
California School District Forced to Dump CAIR’s Islamic Indoctrination Program
San Diego district settles federal lawsuit brought by Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund.
Maine K-12 Indoctrination Sparks Populist Pushback
Newly-launched “Forgotten Parents Initiative” aims to hold superintendents, school boards accountable.
Thousands of Public School Educators Celebrate “Black Lives Matter at School Week”
Indoctrinating our students in the progressive cult of economic, racial, and social justice
Leftist Indoctrination in Maine Classrooms Gets Green Light from GOP Legislators
What could happen if our side played offense for a change?
China Infiltrating U.S. Education System in Propaganda Coup
Report: From kindergarten to college, Chinese government programs indoctrinate youth
Video: Activists Take Over Colorado Education
A new bill seeks to hand over children’s education to radical leftists.
Leftist Indoctrination in the Classroom: Fact or Fiction?
A Maine legislator makes the case for a K-12 Code of Ethics
Senate Democrats Introduce Bill to Push Radical “Climate Change” Agenda in K-12 Schools
Transforming America’s schoolchildren into climate warriors