A paid social media ad campaign launched this week by the David Horowitz Freedom Center is targeting pro-terror “Hamas Loyalist” professors at ten prestigious American universities who choose to promote the ideology of the genocidal terrorist cult, often in direct violation of university policy.
The professors targeted in the campaign not only defend Hamas’s brutality—the slaughter of over a thousand Jews, the rape and mutilation of women, the beheading of children—but outright celebrate it as a form of liberation that should be emulated across the globe.
Consider San Francisco State University professor Rabab Abdulhadi. On October 7th 2023, following Hamas’s massacre, mutilation, and rape of over 1200 innocent Israelis, and the taking of hundreds more as hostages, Professor Abdulhadi quote-tweeted Rep. Ilhan Omar—who has her own long record of anti-Semitism—not to agree with the Congresswoman’s remarks but to chastise her for condemning Hamas’s actions. Abdulhadi tweeted: “Seriously @IlhanMN? ‘Senseless’ #PalestineUnderAttack are merely defending themselves. Are you saying that #Palestinians should be exceptionalized from the right to defend themselves against colonial & racist violence? Check your facts! #FreePalestine #IsraeliCrimes.”
Cornell Professor Russell Rickford spoke at a pro-Hamas rally to extoll the virtues of the terrorist group. “Hamas has challenged the monopoly of violence,” Rickford said, adding that the Palestinians “were able to breathe for the first time in years” thanks to the bloody October 7th massacre.
“[I]t was exhilarating! It was exhilarating! It was energizing! And if they [Palestinians] weren’t exhilarated by this challenge to the monopoly of violence, by this shifting of the balance of power, then they would not be human. I was exhilarated!” Rickford concluded, expressing sheer joy at the extent of Hamas’s slaughter.
UC-Berkeley Professor and Students for Justice in Palestine co-founder Hatem Bazian lauded the massacre as a “transformation.” Speaking at a public rally on October 8, 2023, one day after Hamas militants murdered, raped, and mutilated over 1200 innocent Israeli Jews, Bazian was joyful.
“I wanted to contextualize what is taking place today in Palestine,” Bazian explained, stating “When the colonized take matters into their own hands…a new man is born” and jubilantly declaring “What is taking place today is a transformation.”
University of Wisconsin-Madison professor Samer Alatout tweeted his support for Hamas just days after October 7, writing, “Hamas fighters r precisely the kids & grandkids of those who were displaced from Palestine in 1948. They r the Palestinians if one comes to think of it. In refugee camps, they live legacies of that war and hold tight to the right of return (enshrined in international law).” While most leftist critics of Israel were attempting to draw a moral distinction between Hamas and the larger mass of Palestinian people, Alatout was doing precisely the opposite—and justifying the actions of Hamas.
These are only a sampling of the professors targeted by the Freedom Center’s social media ad campaign.
The Freedom Center’s social media blitz will place eye-catching graphics and posters exposing each professor’s celebration of Hamas’s barbarism directly into the Facebook and Instagram feeds of individuals with a connection to each campus.
Each post will also link to a detailed report documenting the professor’s comments and actions supporting Hamas.
The Freedom Center’s campaign will lay bare the blatant hypocrisy of these universities and their leaders, who claim to be horrified by anti-Semitism on campus yet hire and promote faculty members that promulgate that same Jew hatred and express loyalty to a terrorist cult.
See images from the Freedom Center’s social media campaign: HERE.
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