The David Horowitz Freedom Center was one of the first organizations to call Students for Justice in Palestine a terror group and to keep saying it over and over again. After all the denunciations and condemnations of the Center, it’s become undeniable.
After Oct 7, SJP and its campus chapters overtly endorsed and celebrated the atrocities.
And after a year of campus terror, the few campus crackdowns have yielded evidence of terror ties.
A group of student radicals defaced George Mason’s student center in August, spray painting messages that warned of a “student intifada.” In its coverage of the incident, the Washington Post wrote that “activists spray-painted words on Wilkins Plaza outside the university’s Johnson Center.”
Those activists caused thousands of dollars in damage, a felony in the state of Virginia, and police suspect the SJP leaders, sisters Jena and Noor Chanaa, led the group of vandals. Weeks after the incident, in November, a county judge granted a warrant—which is under seal until February, according to a Fairfax County court representative—allowing police to seize electronics from the Chanaa family home.
When officers entered the Chanaa family home, they found firearms—modern weapons, not antiques—as well as scores of ammunition and foreign passports, all of which sat in plain view, according to court documents obtained by the Free Beacon and sources familiar with the investigation.
They also found pro-terror materials, including Hamas and Hezbollah flags and signs that read “death to America” and “death to Jews,” according to court documents and sources familiar.
Now imagine if other states got serious about actually arresting the pro-terror mobs for their crimes instead of handing them desk appearance tickets. Just imagine what they would be likely to find.
All the police had to do was look around the place and they found not only weapons but terror flags and calls to kill Jews.
Not to mention the traditional standby “Death to America”.
The vast majority of colleges, cities, and states have let the terror mobs get away with terrorizing communities and cities. They haven’t laid a finger on them. If they had, this is what they would find.