__Editor’s note: __Below is Sean Fitzgerald’s new video exposing the racist lessons radical educators are forcing on America’s public school children. The video was created in conjunction with the Freedom Center’s Stop K-12 Indoctrination campaign. To read our new pamphlet on this issue, “Leftist Indoctrination in Our K-12 Public Schools,” [click here](https://assets.ctfassets.net/lwlwwghvkufv/3Rs1sjwu6QwSIMswyIQ6yk/f1918c39a88d61a199488824f7b7630d/Leftist_Indoctrination.pdf) or order your own copy [here](https://horowitzfreedomcenterstore.org/collections/pamplets/products/leftist-indoctrination-in-our-k12-schools).