On the night of October 4th, 2016, the David Horowitz Freedom Center launched a campaign to combat the terrorist support groups on college campuses across the country. UCLA was chosen as the first campus for this effort where dozens of posters linking Students for Justice in Palestine to their terrorist heroes were placed on campus. Posters have subsequently been placed on 9 other campuses including UC-Irvine, UC-Berkeley, Brooklyn College, Vassar College, San Francisco State University, San Diego State University, Tufts University, the University of Tennessee, and the University of Chicago.
“Students for Justice in Palestine functions as the most prominent pro-terrorist, anti-Jewish organization in America, and provides a key recruiting tool for terrorists in the Middle East who are seeking to obliterate the only democracy in the region,” observes Freedom Center founder David Horowitz. “This presence of a genocidal, terrorist support movement on elite campuses across America is one of the most under-reported stories of our times.”
The posters identify the pro-Hamas campus leaders by name. The names have been drawn from a database provided by the Canary Mission, an organization created to “document the people and groups that are promoting hatred of the USA, Israel and Jews on college campuses in North America.” The organization’s website is www.canarymission.org. The purpose of identifying them was explained by Horowitz in these words: “Jew haters on these campuses are going to wake up some morning soon and see their names on posters holding them responsible for their support of Jew-hating terrorists. That will change the dynamic of this battle.”
One poster features UCLA’s Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, Jerry Kang, who is SJP’s chief advocate in the UCLA Administration. Kang played a leading role in an SJP harassment campaign that forced second year law student Milan Chatterjee to leave the school in fear for his physical safety. Chatterjee ran afoul of SJP when he refused to allow the UCLA Graduate Student Association, of which he was president, to become a platform for SJP’s anti-Israel agendas, specifically the Boycott, Divest & Sanctions campaign. Kang’s response was not to support Chatterjee’s attempt to keep the Graduate Student Association neutral in this matter, but to launch a three month investigation of Chatterjee for alleged bias.
Another poster depicts a gun-toting Hamas terrorist holding the strings of a puppet labeled “American Muslims for Palestine” which in turn controls a marionette labeled “Students for Justice in Palestine.” Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is described as “The chief sponsor of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish activities on campus.” Hamas is identified as “A terror organization pledged to wipe out Israel” (a goal explicitly stated in the Hamas charter) while AMP is the “Hamas-created chief organizer and funder of SJP.” The poster also depicts shadowed bodies lying in pools of blood, illustrating the bloody deeds of Hamas’s campaign of terror against the Jews. The poster contains the hashtag #JewHatred and the Freedom Center’s website,www.HorowitzFreedomCenter.org.
The posters are part of the Freedom Center’s campaign,“Stop the Jew Hatred on Campus,” which seeks to confront the agents of campus anti-Semitism and expose the financial and organizational relationship between the terror group Hamas and Hamas support groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine. The Freedom Center’s campaign also includes the distribution of a pamphlet, “Students for Justice in Palestine: A Campus Front For Hamas Terrorists.” This pamphlet, authored by John Perazzo, documents SJP’s links to Hamas and its support for terrorist agendas – specifically the destruction of the Jewish state and its Jewish population. The campaign also recently released a report on the “Top Ten Schools Supporting Terrorists